Big Data is for small business – not solely…
As a business owner or operator, you have access to an incredible amount of data that can aid in growing your business. The two most frequent big data questions I am often asked is; How do I capture data about my business? and How do I use data to grow my business?
‘Big Data’ has become a common word in the business technology landscape over the past few years, often used by business people, technology specialists and marketers in ways that make it sound like a monster lurking in a cupboard that you dare not open. Such fear is not warranted as Big Data should be embraced by business, both large and small. The BIG in ‘big data’ is nothing more than technology’s recent advances that have allowed businesses to more readily capture greater volumes of data about their customers and business. This is achieved generally through online channels, but a business should not ignore offline ones. Once captured, this data can be put to good use and provide insights that can be exploited to take actions that improve your business.
Read more “Big Data is for small business – not solely for the big – 6 Tips to get started”